Our Staff



    Partner - MB ChB (Manchester 1997), DFFP


    Partner - MB ChB (Manchester 2005), MRCGP, MSc


    Salaried GP - MBBS (Imperial College, London 2009) , BSc, MRCGP











Health Improvement Practitioners

Health Improvement Practitioners (HIP) are here to help people develop healthier behaviour and lifestyles in their own local communities. They offer practical support to change their behaviour to achieve their own choices and goals. The surgery has two HIPs Raziya and Marie-Louise who has two clinics throughout the week.

    Health Improvement Practitioner

  • RAZIYA (F) .

    Health Improvement Practitioner

MSK (Musculoskeletal) Practitioner

Musculoskeletal Practitioner has experience assessing, diagnosing and managing patients with joint and soft tissue conditions. They are able to request relevant investigations such as x-ray, ultrasound and blood tests and refer to other specialities such as Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Pain Clinic etc. Only James is able to perform corticosteroid injections where necessary to help relieve pain
  • BYRON (M) .

    Musculoskeletal Practitioner

  • JAMES (M) .

    Musculoskeletal Practitioner

Social Prescribing Link Worker

It’s estimated that one in five of the people who go to see their doctor are troubled by things that can’t be cured by medical treatment, like the effects of poor housing, debt, stress and loneliness. Many people are overwhelmed and can’t reach out to make the connections that could make a difference to their situation. This is especially true for people who have long-term conditions, who need support with their mental health, who are lonely or isolated, or who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing. And that’s where our social prescriber link worker comes in. They can help people to identify what matters to them, and work out how to connect with the activities that might make a difference, giving people a sense of belonging that comes from being part of a community group. This can help people to stay physically and mentally well for longer and manage the long-term conditions they might be living with. For more information, please speak with one of our team
  • ANDREA (F) .

    Social Prescribing Link Worker


Gives practical help and advice and perform nursing duties such as taking blood and other samples, cervical smears, dressings, ear syringing, checking blood pressure. She gives injections and advice on immunisation and reviews our patients with asthma, COPD and diabetes amongst others.


Nurse Associate

  • RACHAEL (F) .

Health Practitioners

We now have two healthcare clinicians, whom have a background of paramedic work, they work with all 7 practices of our Primary Care Network. They run clinics at our practice on Thursdays and Fridays all day. They have been employed to supports the doctors, seeing patients and visiting. They are able to assess your problem, examine you, organize any tests that may be required and decide, with you, a course of treatment. Please view the link below, which is Steven our Clinician explaining his and David's role: https://www.facebook.com/boltongpfederation/videos/1357217378521968
  • STEPHEN (M) .


  • DAVID (M) .


Mental Health Practitioner

Our Mental Health Practitioner is an experienced qualified mental health specialist who is employed by the Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust and commissioned by the Bolton Clinical Commissioning Group. They will be working as part of a neighbourhood of practices and will be running clinics for our patients at our surgery. *First point of contact at the practice if you have anxiety, depression, low mood. You do not need to see the doctor first, Ian will have the better expertise to manage your symptoms. *Second point of contact if you have seen a doctor and you or the doctor feels you require further advice or treatment. Please be aware that you will be asked what you are booking an appointment in when you ring the practice to arrange an appointment so that our Reception Team can book you in with the best person to manage your symptoms/problems. We appreciate your co-operation so we can help you.
  • JENNIFER (F) .

Practice Managers

The practice Manager is involved in managing all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, equipment and information technology. As practice manager they supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.



The reception team will assist you in making appointments to see your doctor, undertake repeat prescription requests and answer numerous questions and offer help and assistance at all times. The reception staff would appreciate patients being on time for their appointment. Please let them know if you need to cancel.
  • SHIMA (F) .

  • NAYYAR (F) .

    Office Manager

  • GEORGIA (F) .

  • CHELSEA (F) .


Secretaries’ main responsibilities are ensuring patient’s referrals are processed through on a timely manner to various specialties such as Gastroenterology, Gynaecology and District Nurses. They have to ensure all the patient information is correct when processing the referral and also redirecting referrals to the correct department. Alongside referrals they perform many duties such as typing, processing medical report requests, Subject Access requests, updating of E-referral system
  • JOANNE (F) .


  • JANET (F) .

  • ANGELA (F) .


We have a team of two pharmacists and a pharmacy technician on site who work alongside our GP’s and clinical staff on a daily basis.
  • BHAVISHA (F) .


  • SALIHA (F) .


Pharmacy Technicians

Our attached Pharmacy Technicians work across all 6 Practices in our Primary Care Network. They support the Practice with our drug safety audits which we do to ensure that we are prescribing safely and effectively. They work alongside the pharmacists and assists with medication queries, reconciling medication after a patient has been in hospital, requests from the hospitals to change any of their current medications.
  • JANE (F) .

    Pharmacy Tech

  • SARAH (F) .

    Pharmacy Tech

Health Visitors

A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing.